White Metal Bearing Services
The repair of White Metal Bearings to customer’s instructions has been a big part of our business for over a hundred years.
Bearing Repair Services for Breakdowns and Routine Maintenance
We are approved repair and refurbishment contractors to end-users across the range of multi-nationals to development start-ups in the engineering, defence, maritime, oil & gas and electricity supply industries. We can repair almost every type of white metal bearing from large thrust and journal bearings for power generating equipment to small bushes for high-speed compressors.
Refurbishment & Repair
Coleherne’s bearing repair experience covers almost every type of journal or thrust bearing. Our designated team of bearing repairers work in their own specialist area alongside our bearing manufacturing workshop. Almost every type of white metal bearing, associated components and even whole bearing assemblies can be repaired.
Coleherne offers a full inspection on receipt procedure and bearing failure assessment.
On approval of our repair quotation, we will conduct a full bearing refurbishment, final inspection and NDT process within our white metal bearing repair facility.
We use the same metalling and machining processes, non-destructive testing and dimensional criteria are applied to repaired and new bearings:
Full inspection on receipt procedure
Bearing failure assessment
Repair and re-engineering options costed and agreed
Melt-off worn white metal lining
Grit blast and apply special coatings to the bearing backing
Immersion tinning to restore the bonding layer
Depending on the form of the backing, either centrifugal or static re-lining
Proof machining
Ultrasonic and dye penetrant to agreed standards
Removal of excess whitemetal from joint faces
Final machining of the whitemetal to standard or agreed dimensions
Ultrasonic and dye penetrant testing to agreed standards
Final dimensional inspection
Protection, packaging, certification and delivery.
Repairing Thrust Pads For The UK’s Biggest Pump Storage Hydro Station
High Accuracy is assured through our use of our high end Zeiss Calypso co-ordinate measuring machine
Repairing Thrust Assemblies in a Japanese Compressor
Emergency Repairs And Outages
We recognise that turnaround can often be critical, and we will do whatever it takes to meet the agreed delivery schedule.
Reverse Engineering and Re-Engineering
Coleherne use 3D laser scanning for reverse engineering of parts for which no drawing is available. Using the Creaform non-contact measuring system, our technical staff digitally scan and capture data to determine the exact shape of parts presented to us. Our engineers can then assess and confirm the critical bearing bores, fit diameters, fit lengths etc in order to produce a manufacturing drawing.
When bearing performance needs to be improved, our engineers can investigate the bearing system and using our bearing analysis software, propose new or improved bearing designs or clearances to end-users.
Creaform Non-Contact Measuring System

Reducing Power Losses In Gas Turbine Thrust Pads